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We learned that to get ahead we need to work from a confined range of our humanity.

It was never great. But we did well for ourselves.

And now we're realizing the downstream impact of the tradeoffs we've made.

Work feels stuck.

And we've been around the block a few times so we know there's no magic medicine -- no new consult-y tool will get it un-stuck.

The way forward is not yet another framework or change model. (gasp!)

The way forward is through the body.

Move beyond the delusion that chaos is something we can control. 

Learn to find the creative potential within it.

You won't hear us using phrases like 'unlocking potential' or 'peak performance'. 

You are not a machine. And there is no consultant's secret that can magically 'unlock' anything.

Real, sustained change comes from the real, inner work -- not from a framework.

Work doesn't have to be so 🤖 robotic.

Creating change doesn't have to be such a 🐌 slog.

Enough rigidity and misalignment.


Time to  get real.  

Studio Photography of a Model

This work has changed EVERYTHING. I was stuck in my patterns as a leader and nothing was helping -- not therapy and not other coaching.


My leadership has leveled way up, my relationships are better, and I finally feel like myself everyday.


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